Drew (drink + chew) your smoothie

by | Apr 3, 2019

Are you hesitant to give smoothies a go because you feel you won’t be completely satisfied with drinking your food–and maybe you just prefer chewing your food?

I completely understand the need for chewing. After all, we’ve been wired to chew food to obtain nutrients and calories which are used to fuel our bodies.

Chewing is important because it stimulates digestive enzymes, which are essential in breaking down food therefore allowing us to process and absorb nutrients. In addition, chewing plays a significant role in oral health.

In my early smoothie days I felt that I was missing an important part of what consuming food is all about – chewing. So, I began to add different crunchy/chewy foods into my smoothie after blending to create a smoothie that I could sip on and chew through at the same time.

Not only has this little hack made smoothies more filling and satisfying for me, but it has also allowed me to add more nutrients into my already nutrient-packed smoothie.

So, before you write-off smoothies completely, I highly recommend trying this …

After blending your smoothie, stir in 1-2 tbsp. of the following:

Check out some of my go-to brands by clicking on the links above.


Go wild and mix 2 or more of these crunchy and chewy foods into your smoothie.

Even if you’re completely satisfied with the current way you prepare your daily smoothie, I still recommend giving this smoothie hack a try. You might just be pleasantly surprised at how much you enjoy some chew/crunch to your smoothie.

Would love to hear about the crunchy and/or chewy foods you add to your smoothie after blending. Share in the comment section below.

Check out more of my smoothie hacks here.

Hi, Jennifer here!

Hi, Jennifer here!

I’m a fur mama and lover of smoothies, pizza, chocolate & wine! I help women heal their gut, lose weight & feel great!

The Ultimate Gut Support Kit

3 key supplements to help treat IBS naturally

The Ultimate Gut Support Kit for IBS


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Whole Body Collagen Designs for Health

Love Your Gut

Nutrition E-Book for IBS & Weight Loss


A simple and natural way to heal your gut, lose weight & start feeling great!

Smoothie for IBS and Weight Loss E-Book


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PurePaleo Protein

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FREE Quick-Start Guide to Smoothies

A simple and natural approach to weight loss & better health

All the info you need to start blending healthy smoothies TODAY! You'll get the build-your-own-smoothie formula, a shopping list, helpful tips + 8 delicious smoothie recipes--all for FREE!



  1. 9 hacks for creating YOUR perfect smoothie – Healthy Lifestyle Changes - […] same time as satisfying the need to chew your food (check out more info on chinking your smoothie here.)…